
audius: Our most important News

Updates on business development, news on acquisitions and takeovers, ad hoc announcements on the company. Keep up to date with important changes at audius SE. Here you will always find the latest news and announcements about the Group, as well as the transactions of our executives.

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Latest Messages
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Successful Annual General Meeting approves all agenda items and the unchanged dividend of 35 cents per share

2 minutes
Real name
Investor Relations & Business Development

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

26.06.2024 - 16:45 Uhr
audius SE successfully held its Annual General Meeting today, Wednesday, 26.06.2024, as an in-person event at the Waiblingen community center. All agenda items put to the vote were adopted in accordance with the management's proposal.

audius publishes figures for the first quarter of 2024 and confirms forecast

2 minutes
Real name
Investor Relations & Business Development

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

31.05.2024 - 00:00 Uhr
audius publishes figures for the first quarter of 2024 and confirms forecast. Total operating performance for the first quarter down slightly at EUR 18.8 million.

audius increases total operating performance by 8% after 9 months - order backlog continues to grow

3 minutes
Real name
Investor Relations & Business Development

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

20.11.2023 - 12:00 Uhr
Total operating performance after 9 months increases by 8% to EUR 58.3 million (previous year EUR 54.0 million), EBITDA of EUR 6.2 million at previous year's level (previous year: EUR 6.3 million) and total operating performance in 2023 expected to fall slightly short of the target figure of 80 million.

Ad hoc News
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audius increases total operating performance by 8% after 9 months - order backlog continues to grow

3 minutes
Real name
Investor Relations & Business Development

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

20.11.2023 - 12:00 Uhr
Total operating performance after 9 months increases by 8% to EUR 58.3 million (previous year EUR 54.0 million), EBITDA of EUR 6.2 million at previous year's level (previous year: EUR 6.3 million) and total operating performance in 2023 expected to fall slightly short of the target figure of 80 million.

audius SE resolves public share buyback offer for up to 70,000 shares

2 minutes
Real name
Investor Relations & Business Development

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

21.08.2023 - 17:10 Uhr
The Management Board of audius SE resolved today, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to repurchase up to 70,000 shares of the company (representing up to 1.41% of the current share capital of the company) by way of a voluntary public share buyback offer at an offer price of EUR 14.05 per share.

audius SE acquires Mahlberg GmbH and publishes forecast for financial year 2022

1 minute
Real name
Investor Relations & Business Development

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

03.12.2021 - 08:00 Uhr
audius SE has signed an agreement to fully acquire Elektro Mahlberg GmbH, based in Bornheim.

Corporate News
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Successful Annual General Meeting approves all agenda items and the unchanged dividend of 35 cents per share

2 minutes
Real name
Investor Relations & Business Development

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

26.06.2024 - 16:45 Uhr
audius SE successfully held its Annual General Meeting today, Wednesday, 26.06.2024, as an in-person event at the Waiblingen community center. All agenda items put to the vote were adopted in accordance with the management's proposal.

audius publishes figures for the first quarter of 2024 and confirms forecast

2 minutes
Real name
Investor Relations & Business Development

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

31.05.2024 - 00:00 Uhr
audius publishes figures for the first quarter of 2024 and confirms forecast. Total operating performance for the first quarter down slightly at EUR 18.8 million.

audius: Result of share buyback offer

2 minutes
Real name
Investor Relations & Business Development

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

22.09.2023 - 10:00 Uhr
29,277 shares were tendered to the company as part of the voluntary public share buyback offer that ran until last Tuesday, September 19, 2023. Thus, the offered buyback volume was only partially utilized.
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Director's Dealings

audius attaches great importance to compliance and therefore provides information on all proprietary transactions by managers. This page provides you with an overview of all management transactions involving audius shares which are reportable as personal transactions pursuant to Section 19 Market Abuse Regulation. It is fully compliant with the Market Abuse Regulation, which regulates the form of personal transactions reported.


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Real name
Investor Relations & Business Development

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364

Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.

+49 (7151) 369 00 - 364