Hit the Ground Running with AWS

Take advantage of our experience from many successful AWS projects! The AWS Infrastructure Assessment provides answers to crucial questions about cost, effort, and benefits, and helps you make the right decisions to maximize your success with AWS services.

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Benefits of the AWS Infrastructure Assessment

Swiftly identify specific requirements and potential
Reliable cost/benefit assessment and planning
Use the experience of others and apply best practices

Product Information

Proven Method AWS
Proven Method

By combining an AWS approach – the Optimization & Licensing Assessment (OLA) – with our expertise from many successful AWS projects, we automatically analyze your actual situation and plan your future with AWS based on your specific requirements. 

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Automated Data Collection

Over a several-week period and in compliance with data protection laws, we use the AWS Migration Evaluator to automatically collect data relating to server and software inventories, their use and capacity, and the Microsoft licenses used. 

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audius | Reliable Results AWS
Reliable Results

From the data, we create possible scenarios for operating your infrastructure in the AWS Cloud and provide ideas for optimization (e.g. classic right-sizing or the direct use of AWS native services such as AWS Backup, Amazon FSx, or Amazon WorkSpaces). 

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audius | Individual decision-making basis AWS
Individual decision-making basis

Considering your payment model, licensing, AWS region, and tenancy requirements, we offer different scenarios and give you a basis for decision-making. When presenting the results, we discuss your future options for AWS and plan the next steps. 

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Frequently Asked Questions on the AWS Infrastructure Assessment

How do I complete this assessment with audius?

The audius Infrastructure Assessment for AWS follows a clearly structured process. The effort required by the customer is minimal and rarely takes more than two hours, plus discussion of the results. Get in touch by completing the contact form below and we will arrange a kick-off meeting with you. In this meeting, we will present the assessment in detail and agree the next steps with you.

Is the assessment data protection compliant?

Based on our experience and discussions with numerous data protection officers, rest assured that our AWS Infrastructure Assessment will be completed in compliance with data protection laws. While being collected, the data are stored exclusively on one of your internal servers. No personal data will be collected. Before being transferred to audius or AWS, the data can be viewed and cleansed if necessary. 

Under what circumstances will AWS cover the costs of this assessment?

AWS will typically cover the costs of the assessment for environments with at least 50 servers. After the kick-off, we will clarify for you whether AWS will cover the costs. Until then, you will not incur any costs.

How will the AWS Infrastructure Assessment benefit me?

This free assessment offers a straightforward, risk-free, and reliable introduction to AWS. You will meet audius as an experienced AWS partner and leave with tangible results. The kick-off workshop and presentation of results will give you ample opportunity to benefit from audius’ AWS expertise. The individual decision-making basis we provide encompasses all relevant factors, including effort, benefits, and costs, and also highlights potential for improvement. 


Contact our AWS Team

We would love to help you plan and implement your move to AWS and support you in operating a successful AWS landscape. 
We look forward to hearing from you!

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